About The FBA

The Forx Builders Association represents the diversity of the building industry. The FBA consists of building specialists from every segment of the construction field and associated industries. Members include builders, re-modelers, tradesmen and tradeswomen, developers, suppliers, manufacturers, architects, engineers, real estate brokers, mortgage companies and many other professionals with a vested interest in the future of the building industry. The Association organizes a series of events every year which allow our members to meet face-to-face and build working relationships in a fun, casual atmosphere.

One of the most significant benefits of your membership is our ability to advocate on your behalf. While you’re working on scene, we’re working behind the scenes. The FBA consistently watches City and County agendas to ensure your voice is heard and your needs are met. Additionally, the North Dakota Association of Builders keeps tabs on State agendas and the National Association of Builders is busy tracking Federal issues. We work hard to defeat excessive regulations and to protect your business. Our advocacy efforts include educating policymakers and the Administration, building successful coalitions, and mobilizing our grassroots on a range of issues.

NAHB members have access to expert staff advisors who can address your business questions. Our experts include distinguished economists, tax specialists, financial experts and regulatory and technical specialists. Members also benefit from economic analysis and housing research, as well as NAHB research into innovative building products and construction techniques.

NAHB’s purchasing power means big savings for you! Your NAHB membership provides you discounts on vehicles, car rentals, shipping, office supplies, computers and more. In fact, NAHB members saved $20 million in 2016 through the NAHB Member Advantage Program.

NAHB’s educational programs give you the tools you need to gain an edge in the industry. Programs include courses and seminars, offered by in-person and online. Plus, NAHB professional designations provide opportunities to improve your skills and advance your career. NAHB’s official bookstore, BuilderBooks.com, offers members a discount on industry products and publications. Members also have access to a small library of reading materials at the Forx Builders Association office.